Why pray?
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." - Revelation 3:20 NKJV
This door only has a handle on the inside. God will never force anyone to love Him, we must choose Him for ourselves and make the effort to get up to open the door. Prayer is our connection to Him and through the Holy Spirit our ears are able to be opened to hear the still small voice. But again, we must "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:33).
Don't forget that God gives us all the things that we need, He never puts on us more than we can bear. When tears fall in our darkest of times, God says that He will give us a shoulder to lean on and then He will stretch out His hands to raise up. Even if our tears may fall, it is through His love and grace that we are able to stand. We must seek Him through prayer to tell Him the things of our heart. God is our Father and best friend, if we do not open our hearts to Him how can He come into our lives and change us from within?

Zoom Prayer Meeting
29 Dec 2021, 7:30pm
Prayer brings us closer to God as we seek His guidance and strength to overcome the trials of the world. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we are now able to lay our burdens at the cross and be free through His loving mercy. Jesus wants to be our friend and confidant and wants us to open our...
Prayer List
Please keep these people in your prayers as you go through your week.
God has commissioned us to pray for one another, to praise His name together and to seek His strength by talking with Him through prayer.
We are a part of the body of Christ, so let us lift up our neighbour and look to the cross for strength, love and peace.
Prayer list:
- Isabella - Tony's daughter who is working at the Royal Mebourne Hospital
- Mary
- Allison
- Michael and Carla
- Don and Evelyn
- Cecil - Robin's dad, he is going through chemotherapy
- The youth of the church
- All those who have lost jobs due to COVID
- Students who are having to deal with all these changes due to COVID
- Praying for all members of the SDA church that our hearts do not become complacent during isolation
- All those who are new to the church/now begun seeking the truth
- Praying that the Lord gives us all a spirit of fellowship
- Rinu and her husband as they are looking for a house of their own - this is Sarah's work colleague
- The families of those that have lost a loved one due to COVID
- Safety for the nurses and medical staff - special prayer for Esther
- Families back in the Philippines
- Isabella's mother who has breast cancer
- Special prayer for Michael who is going in and out of hospital
- Prayer of thanks for Adrian and the entire family
- Praying for a change in Bobby's girlfriend heart that the Holy Spirit will guide her in all that she does and on her journey to find God
- Christina's mum who is in the hospital
- Praying that God guides Joy in her new job
- Prayer for Jo as she start a new job
- Growth within the church
- Peter's grandmother - seeking spiritual and physical healing
Personal prayer/ Prayer requests
If you would like someone to pray with you personally or if you want someone to just listen to your story, please leave your details below and a member of the prayer team will get back to you. If you would like to add a name to the above prayer list, let us know here.